I was wondering how many 912 flyers were using a therm-o-bob and what your thoughts were?

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Several years ago I installed what I think was the first Thermo Bob on my 912S as a test mule for Thermo Bob. I had been running one on my KLR for some time and liked it/seemed like it might work for this motor so he sent one to try out. Have been running it ever since. It holds a steady 205F under most conditions...have seen it climb to 230 or so on an extended climb in very hot temps but it comes right back down with a short level off/power back then resume climb. That with the old Dexcool mix which I still run in mine. JG from down under installed one about same time and think he has had similar results. Seems like he has info on his website. If it conflicts with what I said was his experience go with what he says as I can't really remember  the details.

I like mine...never give it a thought.

Works great, my warmup time is about 1/4 of what is was without thermobob. Like Joe says works as advertised and holds my 80hp 912 at a solid 206f
Rotech research recommended that I use a Thermostasis oil thermostat rather than a water thermostat in a Rotax 912s. It works great for maintaining constant oil temperature. I haven't tested it in hot temperatures yet.


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