Heat gun has no effect on the glue - so what's the answer for removing the labels and the left on glue from your new piece of metal?

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The sheer number of replies to this cry for help is amazing! Thank you all for taking the time to respond. I'm going to buy a can of lacquer thinner and give that a try.
Thx again!

When it comes to removing glue of any kind WD-40 out performs all the other chemicals without doing damage.


But it leaves a greasy mess you still need to clean up with another solvent. Lacquer Thinner just evaporates... in fact if you leave it on too long before you try to pull off the stickers, it just leaves them the way they were (minus any ink writing).

 I use Galmet Enamel Lacquer Thinner 500E, it contains 100% Methyl Ethyl Ketone. Just wipe over the label with a rag and the thinners, the label will peel off and wipe it again to remove the glue.

I use Acetone. Pour a little on and let it soak for 2-3 minutes and it will slide right off. I like Acetone better than MEK. It will clean the all the printing off the aluminum and doesn't seem to leave a residue. 

I've been using laquer thinner and not satisfied. Now I use 'Goof Off' and it works a lot better.

I warmed them up with a heart gun and they would peel off pretty clean.
Correction, heat gun.


Four(4) pages on suggestions on how to remove glue. Who would have thought. :-)

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I have been seriously surprised by the number of responses to this! I certainly have a multitude of options to try....


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