I just completed my horizontal stabilizer. The wire that came with the kit looks like cat 5 wiring. In any case the colors did not match the wire colors on the actuator. I used white to white and etc where the colors matched. Some like brown to orange was a good match, however, I was left with a red to blue. I wrote those down on the instructions for the trim kit. After I completed the horz Stab kit I needed to adjust the trim tab for 20 degrees up and 40 degrees down or a total of 60 degrees total movement. I used alligator leads and hooked up the trim indicator and switch. I was able to set the actuator rod. The drawing say 122 mm but it actually took 126 mm to reach full up and full down. I had an angle indicator on the trim tab. I learned that the trim servo only has 49 degrees on total movement, 12 degrees less than the drawing calls out. 1/3 of 60 degrees is 20 degrees which is what is called for up and 2/3rds down so I divided the 48 degrees so I have 16 up and 32 down. The color guid I made when hooking up the actuator came in handy because I could not remember the colors.

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