Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Dan (Dempsey, Zodiac XL) has been trying to reinstate the weekly builder chats and last night we had a nice chat with the participation of a few builders. We are hoping more of you can join us on Tuesday evenings/nights so the we have moved the time to 9 PM to make it easier for those on the West coast to join in the chat without inconveniencing those of us on the East coast.
Perhaps John (Austin, CH 750, Forum Moderator) can sticky this topic in the Open Forum to keep is on top and generate more interest. If we have active members join the chat and help spread the word to those who don't frequent the site we are sure to have a livelier and more informative weekly chat.
So mark it on your calendars, put reminders in your phones and see you all on Tuesday!
Chat once again tonight. Would love to see everyone there.
Hi everyone,
Here is the chat discussion from today's builders chat for those of you who missed the event. Hopefully we can have more participation in the coming weeks.
checking in
Hey Dan
Making the trip to the rudder workshop at Zenith early tomorrow morning
Efe, still there?
yep just got here
Going to Mexico Mo?
yeah leave tomorrow morning
bit of a flight but its worth it
Exciting first step
Yeah just picked up the binder from another local builder who's working on a 750
forgot it there when I was last over working on his plane
Will you be building in a hanger?
Doesnt look like it currently
I built mine in my living room
Now that I'm at the airport I see the advantage of having a community around you
working on forming an EAA chapter locally. so I'm hoping we can have a common work area where everyone can work on their own project
good idea
share the costs
and more experience, let the guys who have seen it and done it help out those just starting
very valuable
and perhaps people who might not be able to get their own plane financially get to collaborate on a club/joint plane
I've piddled around and lost the warm weather.. now I have to work in the cold
any heating at the airport? :D
I could warm it up some, but it's a big mettle building
I'd say dress warm but either way the hands and feet will feel it
I need a little good weather to get this job completed
we got the first snow over here but its much warmer back home. wont start building till at least january anyway. spring is more realistic though
Hi guys, just noticed the talk about the cold. Hate to rub it in but I just finalized the natural gas heater to my garage. I received my Cruzer tail kit this past weekend and am I drilling holes!
Good to hear Gary
been "interning" at a local builder, his 5th kit plane! great experience, and you really learn a lot from a guy like that
I've been spoiled.. built the plane in my house
Hey Gary, that's great to hear.
Where are you Gary?
This is my second project but hope to build more. I'm in the Denver area.
Go Broncos
Sorry, not much of a sports fan. Too busy flying and building!
Same here Gary.. I listen to Nascar.. and hardly ever watch a ball game
Hi Guys
Patrick.. hello
I've been speaking with my DAR today
He was answering some of my questions about how to fill out the paperwork
You must be very close now...
Patrick did you do the fuel flow test at climb attitude?
Yes. I think I still have a video of that someplace.
How'd you get the plane angled up?
I want to do a WOT test at the same time
Put nosewheel on ramp. Didnt have wings on at the time.
Last couple of weekends have been a bit too windy
I was going to pull the nose wheel up onto my trailer
Hey Dan, what are you building?
I still havent figured out effective heat. 16 degrees F today here.
What engine are you using Dan?
You have a heater and it's not working?
Mark.. Corvair conversion
Mark how far along are you?
I'm also a plans builder
I've barely started
Exhaust muff heater. Gets a few seconds of lukewarm, then cold air....
I have 15 parts built from scratch sitting in a box
I'm working on the pay as you go plan and I'm finanially embarrased at the moment
not to mention a Mustang sitting in the middle of my garage waiting for me to bolt it's heads back on
Mark.. I've got other hobbies too that have been dormant
including several old classic cars
I just bought a new belt/disk sander to help make forming templates
90 hours on the Hobbs. Kinda itching to build again.
Patrick.. hows the corvair doing
Running very well. I actually bought 2 more cores the other day.
I've 2 others as well. THought I'd build an spare engine once I'm flying
One spare, the other one for your next project!
What are you flying Patrick?
N63PZ - XL w/650 canopy, Corvair.
What do you have for avionics?
Dynon D6. Mechanical gauges, iPad and charts for nav. Flew to Oshkosh this year.
Mark, I also work for NG
Mark, where are you at?
Oh cool! I'm going to Oshkosh some day.
Flew to Zenith in MO a couple months ago.
Newport News, VA
Fly down to VA Patrick, I'll let you use my couch!
Mark.. I'm in VA too.. Charlottesville
Not far away
Time to Spare - Go by Air. I understand that now!
I've got all sorts of form blocks and some jigs I used. I could loan them to you
Yeah.. I never have thought of my flying as transportation
Thanks for the kind offer. I'll give it serious consideration.
The journey becomes the adventure. It's great.
Patrick.. what airpressure do you use in you tires?
Hey Dan, do you know of anyone offering sport pilot flight training in the area?
Mark, I went to Tennessee and flew with Buzz Air for training
Patrick you did the same true?
I think I may have to go to a dedicated couple of weeks long program somewhere
I did transition training with Buzz, too.
I spent a week.. must have hundreds of touch and goes
About 50 psi in the tires.
How did you arrive at the 50 PSI setting?
I think thats Zeniths spec.
I was asking because I have mine set at 35 now, and it seams low
Hello all
Hello Todd
Hey Todd
Hi Todd
Todd, what r u building
Welcome to the chat
New to this chat room I am building a 701
all the sheet metal is done now I am putting it all together
Todd, what engine
Where are you located Todd
1 more year
a 912
billings mt
do you all know of a place where I can get some 701 training
Yes.. YOu should contact Buzz Air
We were just talking about that :)
They have a 701, I think in Reno Nevada
what do you all have
I did 601 training with them in Tennessee
I have a nearly finished 601 XL
I'm planning on starting on a 650
i made mine from scratch big mistake
Todd.. same here
wish I had just bought the kit
We've got a bunch of plans builders here tonight!
tried to save money
I'm 8 years into mine
Why do you think it was a mistake to scratch build Todd?
I'm back. Doesn't look like many guys are chiming in. It may be hard to run a chat with so many different interests in the zenith line. What do you think?
Grass is always greener. I built from component kits. Next airplane will be from scratch.
time is twice as maybe three times as long
Maybe Gary.. but if it takes off we could split it up some
but at least you have something to fly
how many weeks have you guys been at this?
Gary, this is just the second week after Sebastian helped announce it
great experience
I tried a couple of weeks before that on Monday's but it was bust
I guess we've been here for the last three weeks
Okay two weeks
Its nice to interact with other builders in real-time.
first week for me I like it
We had a pretty active chat several years ago..
any 701 builders on.
well, I certainly hope the spirit picks up. I'm a Sonex flyer and I have to say their sites are really active. When I look at this builders site it appears very helter skelter to me.
Few years ago there was a good chat. Was great.
I considered joining up with my local EAA Chapter but I didn't see the benefit it would bring me
depends on the chapter. We have a good one here (25).
I went to an EAA meeting near me a few years ago, but there wasn't a single builder in the group.
It was just a flying club
I attended my first chapter meeting with a local chapter here
I went to a couple of get togethers to find out what they were up to
At the Airport I have my plane at there's no EAA chapter, but a very active builders group
didn't seem to be much more than hanger flying
apparently a chapter in FL gathered funds and got space at a local airport and made their own hangar
so we are considering doing that
Efe.. I think that's a great idea
We have a chapter hanger. Guys in phase 1 use it.
I'm jealous of you guys with active EAA chapters
what is phase one
Yeah and apparently the airport gave them 25 tie downs and let them keep profits from those
There are some good ones in VA, but not near enough to be practical for me
so they are actually supporting the hangar and the costs out of that
Dan you could always start one if there is enough interest
ok got to go see you all next week
I've started working towards forming a chapter back home now. Talked with EAA and got the ball rolling
Phase 1 is the primary flight testing that any homebuilt must go through before it is approved to carry passengers and fly outside the test area
Efe. I might bring it up, but I'm the new guy
Take care Todd see you
If you know any other builders Todd let them know as well
Generally that is a minimum of 40 hours to complete a thourough flight testing of the aircraft flight envelope
Patrick.. what did you do for a flight test plan?
Hello everyone! I'm a little late...
Hello Spencer
hey Spencer
Spencer.. make any parts this week?
I set a goal for each flight. And if anything was amiss, I'd fix it prior to the next test.
Hi Spencer
I saw the pcks you posted of flanging dies
Patick.. Did it have to be written down to present to your DAR?
No, the DAR was more for the paperwork for registration, etc.
he did look over the plane...
Yes! Not sure how many of you have heard of Larry McFarland. He plans built a Zodiac HDS a few years back and made a huge journal on his experiences. Anyway he has been a great contact for me and has helped me out a lot. I purchased his alumium flanging dies he made on a lathe.
The DAR's requirements vary depending on his/her preferences.
Spencer, I made my flanging dies out of wood
they worked great
Gotta run - nice talking to you guys.
Likewise Patrick. See you next Tuesday if you can make it
nice chatting patrick
<...poof...>. LOL
I've got it set up as a repeatiig appointment on my calendar
See Y'all next week!
cya mark
OK guys I'm logging off
hope to chat again next week..
See ya Dan!
Sorry to leave so soon after you got here SPencer.. but I've got to get some rest
See you Dan
No problem! Just thought I would drop in a see what everyone was chatting about!
I'm going to try to get the log up on the builder chat thread so people who werent here can see what is shared and may be thus motivated to join in
That's an idea! Also we could try and think of a topic each week?
Yeah that could be good as well.
Well I should probably go work on the plane. Maybe talk again next!
I have an early morning flight to Kansas City via Charlotte to attend the Zenith rudder workshop
So have to wake up at 4:30am
Probably will call it a night in about 15
Ok I am back
WB Todd
efe what plane do u have
Haven't started yet but I'm thinking of doing a 650
Will be at the Zenith workshop Thu and Fri
Cool have you gone to the zenith open hanger days yet
Hope to get a chance to fly it and make the final decision
Not yet. Currently in the US but live in Turkey so its a bit of a flight over for anything :D
ok I really enjoyed it hope you can go befor you go back to turkey
have you done any other projects
Oops...I'm late :)
hi patrick
what plane do you have
Cool I am building a 701
i wouldn't mind doing a 701 next...
i started it just before they came out with the 750
is it flying
it is. About 65 hours so far
wonderful I am looking forward to the day mine is too
keepfar keep cranking'll get there!
i am just stating the put all components together stage
plans building?
i made mine from scratch
lots of time
Todd I'm "assisting" a local 750 builder but I'm learning a lot from him. First kit plane project for me.
wish I had just bought the kit
I can't imagine the time commitment compared to a kit
I thought of doing the plans but when I actually saw the kit I realized how gigantic a task that would have been
750 from a kit is a really fast build...until you get into fuel and wiring. That's when you hit a wall and things slow down
i am making it in the garage kind of fun to go out and pound out ribs etc my favorite was the spar
i bought the fuselage in kit form but every thing else is scratch
the spar seems like it would be an intimidating part on a scratch build
opps sory I made the rudder at an open house
not really I picked Marks brain and it went together well
mark the guy from canzax
Patrick thats the part that intimidates me as well. Wiring, fuel, avionics, etc.
I guess with the fine support group here, most questions are answered!
yep me too
i loved the wiring/avionics!
just another project hardest part is getting started
the hardest part was finding the lighting hole flange dies
planning it all out was harder than starting for me...
did you go with steam gauges or glass
if you had a do over what would it be
the same. I really like the Skyview.
I only had about 15 hours behind glass prior to the Skyview. I don't feel like my eyes are inside too much like I do with a G1000
I really haven't researched that much I am now just getting ready to buy engine cowling prop etc...
which engine are you using?
I am planning on a 912 uls
I hear good things about them other than the price
how do they compare to the UL Power 260 engines price-wise?
i plan on buying the firewall forward kit from zenith I am tired of always reinventing the wheel and their stuff goes together so well
gotcha. The 912 is tried and true in the 701...
i do not know I am sure. The 260 is less but I already bought the 500 dollar engine mount
i build an avid flyer it had a rotax 582 it seemed to work ok
I don't have much experience with rotax. I like the performance, but sont care for the gear reduction personally.
the 912 is much more refined as compared to the 582
where are you from
Thats what I hear.
Im in Fort Wayne indiana
ok billing mt for me
billings. Oops
how do you like the way the 750 flys
I bet you have a lot more cool remote landing areas there than we do here!
as a kid I used to shoot coyotes from a super cub we would land skin them and off we go I guess that is why I love stol
im enjoying the 750. The guy I built it with has a cirrus and wanted something that was more fun for taking the kids up. Something you can sight see in. The cirrus isn't much fun going 200mph at 1800 feet
I did all of phase 1 testing and still fly it pretty much whenever I want.
That's what I am dreaming f
Everyone who has gone for a flight in it LOVES the visibility
Guys I gotta run. Gotta get up in 5 hours to go to the airport.
before I start phase 1 I want to get some real good training
good night efe
good night
See you next chat!
get started u won't regret it
I didn't do any transition training because most of my experience was very recent and in a cessna 152
i knew it was a different animal as far as handling, but used 152 V-speeds on the first flight
Gotcha I haven't flown in years all my spare time and money has been tied up in the build
i sent my wife away for a good portion of the build ;)
haha lucky you
no kidding. I'm trying to figure out how to do it again!
let me know how that goes. No my wife has been a real sport. She hasn't been able to park the car in the garage in years
what do you do for a living
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