Hey Guys,

Wanted to pop in and introduce myself! I'll be cruising the forum helping to answer questions on anything/everything uAvionix.

We'd obviously like to have all the Zenith aircraft equipped with AV-30's and tailBeaconX transponders so shoot me a message if you are interested.

Ask away!

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Will the tailBeaconX interface with a Dynon HDX for both ADS-B In and Out, including FIS-B and TIS-B?

Hi Bob,

Unfortunately, the tailBeaconX does not integrate with the Dynon HDX for ADS-B out. Their sister company AFS does have some EFIS models that do. Neither option will provide you with ADS-B in since the tailBeaconX is a 1090 OUT only solution.

I believe Dynon still carries their integrated ADS-B receiver for the HDX. Part# SV-ADSB-472 for the FIS-B & TIS-B information.

Hi Brian,

Just getting started on updating my (new to me) 701 and have some questions.

Can I program the TailBeacon transponder with an iPad app like iFly, without installing the AV-20/30?

Will the SkyBeacon or TailBeacon or EchoUAT connect to my Garmin GTX-320A with the Echo/Mux?

Will the Echo or one of the beacon devices drive my electric altimeter so I can remove my encoder?


I'm using the GRT SafeFly GPS married to the echo UAT box in my Cruzer. Anything I should know about?

Why is there such a precession problem with the AV-30-E??

What precession problem?


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