I have a question for those of you using, or planning to use the Corvair Engine.


After the recent failure of Mark Langford's engine, are you still planning on

using a Corvair?


I bought WW's book, DVD's, etc and had planned on going to a workshop

last year - unfortunately, I was not able to attend.  As with many of you,

circumstances got in the way of my building plans. 


I may now be in the position to again consider building (can't decide between the

650 and 750) but now am faced again with the "engine" decision.


My only beef with the Corvair was the age of the crankshaft, and this was before Langford's

third failure.  Dan Weseman is apparently considering have a new crankshaft made from 4340 stock and the price appears to be reasonable.


Given all of this - I'd like to hear what those of you who are actually using, or plan to use this engine are doing.




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I have 850 hours on my Rotax engine with no problems, that said auto conversions are great, I looked at the Subaru and the Convair. Resale value definitely takes a hit with an auto conversion aircraft, and that was a factor in my engine decision. Being able to take your engine apart yourself is a huge plus with the Convair or Subaru.


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