Hey all, 

Has anybody (Glenn Davis) studied the plans for the new Viking header tanks? I've seen some discussion with Jan about the plans for the plumbing but now I need a couple specifics because I want to add hoses before I close my wing. I have a 130 and fwf kit ordered but not delivered.

 - Jan says you need a vent line from the header tank tank to at least one of the fuel tanks. - fine, Zenith has put a nice port at the top rear side of the tank for return fuel for fuel injected engines. - I thought I'd use that for the vent line Jan is talking about.

 - My questions are:

 - Is that a good spot for the return vent?

 - What kind of hose should I use - the regular fuel hose?

 - I can see how some fuel might splash up/run into that port/vent line with full fuel (tail wheel config).  Is that ok?

 - If the above is not ok - what is the recommended plan?

I've sent an email directly to Viking so I hope to hear back quickly but I thought your experiences could help.

Thanks - Jim

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While unfamiliar with the Zenith 650, on our 750 we have a Viking 130 with 2.5 gallon header tank.   Our build is still in progress but can be seen at https://www.facebook.com/Experimental750ES/

Because we did not know at the time which engine we would be using, we installed braided fuel supply and return lines in the wings.  

As yours is known to be for a vent line only, any acceptable fuel line should be fine.  Fuel splashing into the fuel tank vent would be fine as it will just flow into the header tank.  In fact, with your wing tank full, and if anything like ours, your header tank vent line will also be full.

Cool - thanks Loren!

Hi Jim,

I am going to use what was originally to be the fuel return lines to the tanks for the vent. I used the teflon lined, SS braided hose that is popular on this forum.

My 130 will be here Tues. with the header tank. I plan on placing it in front of the main spar on the right side.

The top of the vent line is located very close to the top of the tank and as you know is at the opposite end of the tank from the fuel fittings. not sure what that has to do with the header tank/ vent installation

Sounds great - thanks. Good luck with the engine.
On my 701 with the Viking 110, I built a 5" x 5" x 36" tank that i hung in the accessory bay just aft of the control assemblies. On the top surface at the center I added a 0.25" barbed hose tee running the hoses to vent fittings on the tanks. I am also attempting to use the Belite pressure transducer mounted in the bottom of the tank running to a single gauge shoeing one level reading for all 3 tanks (13.5 gal) . I also installed the std floats in the wing tanks and ran the wires to the panel ... just in case I have any problems with the Belite configuration.

Thanks - good luck with the Belite. I ended up installing two idental hoses with finger screens etc... on the top and bottom fittings on the tank. The bottom will be for feed pf course and the top for the vent. I used the same line and finger screen because until the tank starts to empty fuel could be feeding from the top as well.

Hello Kurt,

I'm going to try the same design on my mini header. I plan on venting the tank to the engine compartment terminating in a vent check valve. Unlike you I have no backup plan if the belite doesn't work.

Good luck!

Curious, is it common to vent fuel lines to the engine compartment on an airplane?  I wouldn't have thought it safe to do. 

Can you tell me more about the vent check valve you mentioned? How does it work? Where do I get one? Thanks 

Hi Matt,

The vent check valve was a poorly thought out idea that I did not use. I vented through the return lines of the fuel tanks.


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