I thought I posted this but it appeared to have disappeared into the ether.. Still learning my way around this site.

I recently bought a CH-801 and am embarked on some upgrades. I would like to mounted a conventional VOR/LOC/GS "V" antenna on the AC. In most AC this is mounted on the vertical stabilizer, noticeably missing on an all flying rudder. I am concerned about structure and the possibility of flutter from shifting the mass balance of the rudder. Have any of you out there successfully mounted a VOR/LOV/GS antenna on your CH 801 with good success? (no adverse effects & no blanking out of the signal). If so would you mind please sharing your installation details?
Sam McNair

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I think I have a Power Point Presentation at home of a VOR antenna install that someone installed on the fuselage under the rudder. I can look for it later this evening if your interested. - Brian

Hello Sam and Congratulations on your purchase!

I have to admit, I am more than a little jealous.  I had called to ask about this plane and was told that it had already been sold.  Seems like she is a great plane with an incredible pedigree- (I admire all of the work that I-Tec does).

I hope that N801G lives up to all of your expectations and more.  Enjoy!

Teddy Redmond


I have mine on the bottom just forward of the aft bulkhead. Mine is a 650 but I have haven't seen any problems.

Hey guys; I ended up mounting my vee type antenna under the tail slightly ahead of the tie down ring. I made a hollow spacer block out of 1 plastic. It works great and no issues with the structure blocking signal nor with having the antenna way up on the top of the tail. The only downside is that the antennal ends although under the horiz stabilizer are at close to eye level. I made a set of covers connected by an orange streamer. Streamer loops through the tie down ring and slips over end end. You can still get poked, but you have to work at it and the poking part is now blunt.


Any chance you have a photo of your location?

I am pondering the same question/problem with my VOR/LOC/GS Antenna.  i am still considering the top of the vertical stabilizer, but wonder if the proximity of the rudder will cause deviation or misguiding signals.  I do not truly believe that the rudder deflection would ever be that extreme that it would be very near the poles.

Any thoughts and comments by all would be greatly appreciated...

hope your aircraft is flying well and LOTS!


Here are photos I took at the hanger yesterday. I mounted it on a reinforced inspection door that I installed on the fuselage. It is otherwise impossible to get to that area. To space it away from the airframe I made a tapered circular adapter out of a PVC shower drain fitting slightly modified.  Considering that all of the signals are originating from the ground, on the belly gives minimum chance of blanking the signal. I have tried it numerous times and even at deliberately wide course deflections and extreme angles to the ILS inbound course heading, I have had no problems. This is the second 801 that I have equipped this way. The only downside is that it places the antenna at face level. So you will note the cover and banner I made to keep the antenna and your face safe. 




Here is a picture of my latest panel at work approaching Memphis on New Years Eve. I had planned to attach it to the VOR/GS antenna email, but the file was too large. 

I just completed installation of a cargo compartment behind the rear seats for bulky light weight items like coats and sleeping bags, and tow bar.  I designed it for 50 pounds at 6 G's but the practical limit is aft CG loading. 

It shares the bulkhead with the back of the rear seats above the bin level and is accessed by an external hatch on the pilots side.

I never did like the bin design on my previous 801 which was accessible only from inside by removing the right rear seat cushion.  it was hard to reach, to complicated to access (and you had to empty out the rear seats first), and intruded into the working space accessible from the belly hatch.

This cargo compartment runs the full width of the plane and the opening will pass an 18" diagonal object.  It has an easily removable floor panel so that by removing 6 screws you regain the ability to stand up and work inside the plane through the belly hatch.  ( A feature that I love about the 801).

I hope that you project goes well. 



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