We are finally setting up to start our CH650B and are collecting tools and such.  So, does anyone want to liberate some?  And costs.  Email at richardcowles@myway.com

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The best source I found is The Yard Store. They are out of Wichita, Ks. Good source for drill bits as well. As for the number of clecos I started with 100 of each and will have to buy some more 3/16 & 1/8 inch. Another good place is Good old Harbor Freight. A lot of power tools good enough for amount of use we put them through.

I'm gone scratch build on my 650. Bought the tail kit and picked it up at the workshop. Finished that, I'm currently de-burring and corrosion proofing the lower fuselage skin. Glad to see another 650 getting started.

Rich Rost

Sorry for the delay in answering you. I have been out on business. I already bought most of the goodies I need. Many thanks for your reply.

I have the complete tool kit for the CH750 (w/o air drill) from Zenith and no longer have need for it. If you are interested, please let me know.

Entire kit retailed for $545, so was thinking $450 (or best offer) plus shipping, as all tools are in like-new condition. I can itemize the tools if you want, but it will be the list from Zenith's site.

I also have an angle drill attachment from Aircraft Spruce ($75) if you are interested.



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