Just want to see what you guys have found to be a good prop for your 750's, I had a wooden 72x42 but it didn't hold up well after hitting the runway! Open for suggestions!!

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I have no idea if it's the "best" prop or not, but at Convention this year (ok, 2018), I walked up to the Sensenich booth and asked the guy what would be the best prop for my O-200 Cruzer.  He didn't know, but he called-over his booth partner and said the guy knew everything about experimental props. HE said, with no hesitation, 72GK46GU as the best overall prop.

I'm a long way off from selection, but have hung on to that model number for comparison with other recommendations.

Sensenich doesnt show that model number on their site.  Also am I the only one that thinks $5k for an experimental prop is crazy.

I never checked it cuz I was so far away from needing one. Were you saying Sensenich was quoting $5k or was that another? I paid about $1300 in 2012 for a Sensenich composite covered wood prop so I would assume they were still somewhere in that range. The part number quoted above was what I typed in my phone while in their booth. I read it back to make sure I had it right; no idea if it existed or not!


long lead time maybe but worth it..give em a call

When we were at Sebring this past Spring, I spoke to the fellow at the Sensenich booth. He recommended a 72x44 for a Cruzer with O200. This seems a little odd to me...I have a Taylorcraft with A65 that has a 72x44...


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