Back when I was building my Cruzer in 2018-20, there were several Zenith builders on Kit Log Pro.  I think the last builder was Carl Orton from TX who finished in June of '23. Now, Kit Log seems mostly to be Vans aircraft with a few others mixed in.  It is still a requirement of document your build, right?  Where are Zenith builders doing that? 

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I can't speak for everyone, but I'm using the EAA builders log. There are several people building Zenith airplanes in my area. There are many ways you can document a build for the FAA, it doesn't have to be online.

My build was documented just with pictures that I took each day I worked on the plane.  Many of them are details of things I wanted to remember.  I printed them for a binder that I keep for my use, and I have them in a OneDrive folder for safe storage.  The DAR looked at the book for about a minute.  

Hey! I’m referenced in a post! I’m SOMEbody!

I used KitLog only because I bought it when I started on my Sonex in 2008. Since KitLog lets you have multiple projects, I figured what the hey…

Today, I would use the EAA tool.

I also perhaps misunderstand, but I thought I heard that the guy who made KitLog had either been struggling with health or age issues, or his wife was. Support has been pretty non-existant. Always liked KitLog because the program runs on any computer I own (PC) and the data live on MY systems, only updated online when I tell it to do so. 


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