I am using the Whirlwind prop that came with my FWF kit from Arion.

Curious as to what pitch other folks with this prop are using and what they are getting for IAS.  I have my prop set at 14.5 degrees and am seeing about 75 mph at 2850 rpm.  WOT gives about 3000 to 3050 rpm.

The 14.5 degrees was selected to get greater than 3000 rpm during break in as recommended by Jabiru.

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I am seeing similar results at 15 degrees on my WhirlWind.  I have had it up to 17 degrees and the takeoff performance is unbelievable, but EGT's get high very quickly and you have to reduce power to a cruise climb power setting of about 2700 RPM.  I only have 20 hours of phase one complete, but it seems like we are having similar experiences.   I have the Gen 4 Jabiru and the new squared exit cowling.  No issues with CHT's at any prop pitch or power setting.  Please keep this updated as you learn more.  THANKS


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