LOOKING FOR INFO, PICTURES, AILERONS, AILERON DIMENSIONS ,wing envelope, PARTS, ENGINES? I am restoring one of the originals. C-IEXB. 2seat 2engine trainer. The aileron profile looks similar to the CH 701 of which l have built two, so that seems simple.ha.

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I have plans for 701, so could come up with info on 701 airlerons ,if necessary ! Also have extra rudder if needed ! Tom

Hi  Tom

I have built  701's ,what I tried to say was I could build them if the profile is the same.

I also placed an ad in _UPAC_ asking for help. Got a Yahoo Zipper site [little used]  but lots of information.


Am still looking for another real example of the   ZENAIR ZIPPER with ailerons.

Thank You.  for the help:


We don't have much info at all on the Zipper ultralight anymore since it was never offered with plans or drawings (but as an assembled airframe). Here are a few old pics from the archives:

Above, three Zippers on the family farm.

Chris Heintz piloting an original Zipper ultralight powered by a JPX engine

Zipper on amphibious floats, this one powered by what looks like a Rotax engine. Notice the Princeton sailwing and recognizable tail sections

A younger version of myself posing in front of a Zipper on a trailer with wings folded.

A few more pics:

Good view of the unique Princeton sailwing trailing edge

Zenair Zipper


Sebastien    I am recieving more info as time goes on,have not found another example yet.

                   Will pass on pictures and hard copies .

                   I have built 2 -  CH701's from plans    C-IFQT      C-IFLX

                   Had a Ultralight school at YKF.    Helped finish about 10 ---  701's , rigged,test flew and checked their 

                   owners out.     Loved every minute.


I purchased a used Zipper about 20 years ago.  It was a single seat with the JPX engine.  I was able to get the engine running, but I didn't trust it enough to try flying it.  I sold it and bought a Quicksilver GT400.  Guy bought it and put it in his barn.  It might still be there.  Here is the only picture that I have of my Zipper with my wife sitting in the seat and my son standing beside it:  

Hi    JAY

My Reply may have gotten lost.I think you are in Ohio, The barn location could be helpful.

Thank You

Tom Mills

49 Dufferin st.

Guelph Ont.Cdn

N1A 4A2

1 519 822 6693        millfly@sympatico.ca

I'll see if I can find it.


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