Part of my brake mechanism protrudes below the lowest level of the wheel rim. That means damage could occur in a flat tire situation. It looks like a brake fluid orifice is at the lowest point on the brake assembly and would be "wiped out" if a flat tire occurred on a hard surface. Is this the normal installation ?

Thanks for any observations on this,


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Is your brake setup different than this?

Yes, it's definitely different. Yours appears to be another brand or type. You don't have the overhang below the wheel rim that I have. I will try to post a photo of mine tonight.

John D.

John, What type of brakes are they?

I'm curious as I have a different type. They are from the 650 quick build kit (Matco) and seem a little weak for stopping. I cant hold the plane on full power ready for short field take off even though the brakes are brand new and have been bled properly. Stopping isn't as great as my cessna 150 either. I would describe my brakes as adequate. Can hold the plane at run up.


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