Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Hi Everyone,
I'm just casting a net to see if anyone here is looking to sell/trade any of the following parts for a 601xlb/650, as my kit wasn't quite complete when I bought it. My financial situation is changing, so I'm looking for economical solutions.
Here's what I'm looking for:
- Analog VFR flight instruments (OR older EFIS's like the MGL Enigma/Horizon, original Dynon, etc)
- Cheap radio like becker or icom or similar
- Cheap transponder (kt76, Narco, etc.) since I'm doing the Echouat for ADS-B
- Antennas for both radio and xponder
- Panel breakers and switches, wiring, etc
- Viking or Zenith front suspension
- interior (seats, side panels)
- seat belts (4 or 5 point)
- canopy parts (I only have the bubble, two main arms, and two main mounts on fuselage)
- flap motor/actuator
- elevator trim tab kit (switches wiring and motor)
- fiberglass tail pieces
- control cables for rudder/aileron/elevator
- brake pedals, master cylinders, lines
- engine and FWF kit
- and maybe an autopilot if the price is right...
If anyone's looking to move any of the above let me know, thanks.
Thanks Richard, I may be interested. I'm working on a deal right now for an Enigma EFIS and the guy has the MGL V10 radio that goes with it. If that doesn't pan out I'll let you know.
i sent you an email on the icom
ill take it if it’s in good working condition.
Hey Jason,
I have both the left and right horizontal tail fiberglass tips (FTTL &FTTR) with the aluminum 6T1-8 tip ribs. Never drilled but taped in place when I was building the tail. If interested Zenith is $41 each plus $8 for the two tip ribs. I’ld like $25 for all plus what it costs to ship.
I’m now in Prescott, AZ so shipping shouldn’t be much (???) but I would have to check.
Thanks Tim, I'll take them for sure. I agree shipping should not be too much. I'll PM you
I have a Narco AT 155 TSO'ed transponder with rack and an Ameri-King AK-350 altitude encoder, both working when
removed from my 601 HDS when I replaced them with a Stratus with ADSB (required where I base my plane).
I do not need them so I will gift them to you and your project if you reimburse me for shipping. Email me at if interested. I am in Oregon so shipping should be inexpensive.
I have the following you may be interested in:
6B9-1 (1L + 1R) Rudder Pedals
6B9-2 (2) S.S Piano Hinge
6B9-3 (1L + 1R) Toe Brake Pedal
The Toe Brake Pedals are already connected to the Rudder Pedals.
6B9-4 (1) Central Pedal Bearing
6B9-5 (1) Lateral Pedal Bearing (2 req'd I only have one I can let go)
I also have the 3 point seat belts that come from Zenith.
If you are interested in any or all of this contact me at:
(voice or text)
Hi Earnie,
thanks for the message, obviously things are a little crazy right now but I am interested in some of these things, and will call or text soon.
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