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I have finished a design of a 3D printed wing strut fairing for the 750 Cruzer originally started by Ben Harris. We (Doug Malloy and I) have been flying our Cruzer with these fairing for over a year now with no problems even in the hot weather here in the Houston area.
I print them with Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) but I use an engineered (Pro) formula which is stronger and a little more flexible than standard PLA. I am charging $60.00 a pair, I can ship via USPS Priority Mail in the United States. I take PayPal payments. I started this as a hobby and printed many things on our 750 Cruzer. But I saw a lot of interest so decided to offer them to others. I can only print two pair per week (takes about 60 hours of print time).
If you live outside of the US or if you have your own 3D printer and would like to try DIY please email me and I will send you the STL files and instrutions.
I am attaching some pictures.
My email is
I'd be interested in seeing a pic of them on the plane. Do you have one available to upload?
Yes, I had thought I did but I guess when I put the STL files on it only left one picture.
Pics not working???
Sorry, try these.
Those look really good.
Dean those fairings look fabulous...every builder should be ordering (this is a no brainer) and Zenith should sign a contract with you to reproduce. Very well done...
Now....create one for the cabin connection!!
Thanks, I really didn't think it was going to be this big. I just have a hobby printer (slow but accurate). I already have five orders and have just finished printing the second. I will need to take a good look at upscaling my operation.
I have looked at the cabin end but with the landing gear and all it is not only complicated but would be very difficult to print. Would require a totally different kind of 3D printer.
Very cool, Dean. I’m very likely a future customer. I’ll give your printer a couple months to cool down though before I order.
Question: Are the tooling lines sandable or smoothable? And does PLA paint well?
It is difficult to sand or paint. Our professional painter tried a number of primers to no avail. However I am also an RC builder and have painted the parts I printed for those planes. It can be sanded but need to do it slowly or wet sand because with machine sanding there is enough heat to slightly soften the surface and the sand paper will stick. I do have white and silver PLA Pro available to print in those colors also.
I am attaching the installation instructions I have written for your information
I'm in Canada so would appreciate if you could send me the .stl file for these fairings as I'm building a Cruzer. Will email you at Thanks in advance for this great work. Cheers, James
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