Fellow Builders,

The Zenith Builders Banquet will be held on Thursday, July 29, at the Elks Lodge in Oshkosh. This year's banquet will include a very special tribute and toast to Chris Heintz by Sebastien Heintz and his family.

Cocktails begin at 5:30 PM with dinner at 7:00 PM and a presentation to follow. Because this year's event will be catered by the famous Roxy in Oshkosh we need to estimate how many are coming to the event. Sebastien has set up an RSVP link you can use to reserve your tickets. Please go to this link and let us know you are coming!


We have over $2000 in aviation door prizes to give away. The grand prize this year is a $1000 gift certificate for an LED package for your plane from AeroLED! David Clark is donating a great headset as a door prize. Other sponsors include Aircraft Spruce & Specialty, Sporty's pilot Shop, and FLYDYNON.

For more information please call Joe Scheibinger at 920-237-1450. For more information and a copy of Zenith events, maps, and banquet poster, please send an E-mail to Joe at backstagelive@gmail.com.

Have a safe and fun trip to Oshkosh! Can't wait to see you all at the Elks Lodge for the banquet.

Joe Scheibinger
Banquet Guy / 750 Builder

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