HAWK Aviators (www.hawkaviators.org)
We are in the process of working a 701 with the Pegastol wings. We have a question on the fuel system with the 2 wing tanks each side. It is set up so that the fuel is fed from the leading edge of the wing which to us looks like it would present a problem of no fuel during a climb.
Any input would greatly be appreciated and also a contact that could be useful for questions as we are moving forward with this project.

Thank you
Bryan Miller
10CO Mack Mesa, CO

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I looked for info on those wings and tanks and couldn't find. Can you give me a link...I'd like to look at that too: is the outlet supposed to be at the front?  thx Joe

Photo of the tank in the wing


Does the tank mount so it's on a slope toward the front of the wing? If so maybe that's the theory with the outlet being toward the front. But the slope would have to exceed the expected max angle of climb to actually feed. On some of the 701's that would have to be about 30 degrees or maybe more...I haven't measured it but in a full power stall mine seems more like a helicopter than a plane. It stands on the tail; I start wondering if the oil feed may interrupt.

Unless there's something there I'm missing I would have to have my outlet at the rear inside corner. Let us know when you figure out what's going on Joe


Does the tank mount so it's on a slope toward the front of the wing? If so maybe that's the theory with the outlet being toward the front. But the slope would have to exceed the expected max angle of climb to actually feed. On some of the 701's that would have to be about 30 degrees or maybe more...I haven't measured it but in a full power stall mine seems more like a helicopter than a plane. It stands on the tail; I start wondering if the oil feed may interrupt. Do you know the operational history re the fuel system on those wings/tanks?

Unless there's something there I'm missing I would have to have my outlet at the rear inside corner. Let us know when you figure out what's going on Joe

So, after this weekends work and consensus, we will remove the outboard tanks and keep the inboard tanks. That will give the plane 18 gallons total, plus after we locate an engine mount for the Rotax we will see what we can do about a small header tank.
The inboard tanks need to have the fuel lines moved to the rear of the tanks and we are looking for ways to do that.

Any other words or thoughts that can help things are greatly appreciated!



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