I am driving down to Sun-N-Fun in a few weeks after a several year hiatus and have not seen any mention of a Zenith gathering.  I know there was usually one in the campgorund late in the week.  Does anyone know if there are any plans for one this year?


Dave Gallagher

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Hi Dave:

As far as I know there's no "organized" Zenith builder gathering event planned for Sun'n Fun.  The Builder's BBQ (in the campsite) hosted by Mark Townsend for a number of years ended after Marked stopped attending Sun'n Fun, and we've never organized a official event at Sun'n Fun like the annual Builders' Dinner at Oshkosh (AirVenture).

That said, we'd be more than happy to meet and socialize with builders and customers (of which many have become friends over the years) at the end of the day - easiest would be at the Zenith booth (off-site gatherings often need to be organized well in advance to accommodate larger group sizes) and we welcome builders to meet at the Zenith booth after the official 5 pm close, and we'd be happy to "host" builders there at the end of the day:  Any suggestions for a preferred date and time?

We've been known to enjoy a few beverages at the booth after five:  In this photo from last year, our case of beer was about the only thing remaining at the Zenith display and not destroyed by the 2011 tornado:

Sebastian, I will be attending the open house at Flight Crafters on sunday as well as camping and attending the airshow all week.  I still have not managed to get a demo flight in the 750 due to many circumstances in the past.  Would it be possible to take a demo flight at Zephyr Hills, and if so do I need to schedule a time for the flight?

Dave, you are welcome to stop by our camp site in the 24 hour generator area and enjoy a few free beers with me and Scott.  Not much of a "gathering" but a good time none the less.


Mike:  To schedule a demo at Zephyrhills contact Roger Dubbert directly.



Thanks Sebastien!  I cannot wait for this years show, has to be better than last year.  At least we did not loose an aircraft in the tornado, but our campsite was destroyed and I had a ruptured disk in my back as well, not very fun!


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