I ferried a flying buddy up to Clarksville TN for a check ride in their 750.  These folks bought Buzzy out.  He has well over 30 years of flying experience, mostly in trail draggers, and reported that the training was good.  They also have a 601 and a 650, but the 650 was damaged in a windstorm.  

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OK; just to avoid confusion, by what name does it operate under? Buzzair or  Mid Tn Aviation?

It is now Mid Tn. 

If anyone wants to do training in the Pacific Northwest come visit us at Pianosa Flying Farm, in Carlton, WA.  A bit more remote than Clarksville, TN but a lot of folks will find a bit more adventure up here in the Cascade mountains.  We have a CH750 STOL pulled by a ULpower 350iS.  I hold a LODA for transition specific training, STOL, off-afld/rough-strip, and mountain training.
931 217 0519 (still a TN number from when I lived in Clarksville, a long time ago.... small world)

That's great to know, but do you know of anyone in the Northwest that does 601/650 transition training? Does Quality Sport Planes in Cloverdale do training? As far as I know, they only do demo flights and build assist.

Not familiar with any low-wing folks or LODA holders.
However if you find a low-wing that's an S-LSA you should be able to get training in it.
Where are you located Ian?  What's your flying story?  If you already have the plane and just want training in it I may be able to help you.  I definitely fly a lot of planes besides the 750 we have.  Other local 601/650 owners that may help out?
931 217 0519

I'm in the Portland area. I'm just starting primary training, but I'm starting to build a 650. I'm considering getting my Sport Pilot rating this summer or next, in an RV12 that's very close by, and then getting transition training when mine is done.

Ahh, understood.  Enjoy your flying, and stay in touch.

Hello Conor, MY Cruzer is airworthy and I need  a BFR and 750 training. LIke to know if they can be accomplished concurrently..  Tom  Sullivan  


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