I would like to know the Manufacture, Type, Length, Pitch of Propeller to install on my Zodiac 650 to give me the best preformance? Any recommendation! Thanks

BTW: I'm using a Continental 0-200 Engine.


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AMD uses a Sensenich W68ZK54G wood-composite prop, 68 inch diameter, 54 inch pitch. Seems to work well.

Thanks for your comments. Are you able to reach a 1000 FPM rate of climb and a 135 MPH Cruise @ 1320 Gross Wt?

BTW: The suit, LOL

I'm using a Continental 0-200 Engine. Zenith states a 135 MAX cruise and a 1000 FPM Climb rate with a 0-200/100hp. I'm not looking for LSA performance but an experimental best performance. Any idea's.

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm also using the B & C Alternator and a light weight starter, Slick Magnetos and a four in one exhaust. I'll call Charle back at Sensenich and see what he sold you.

I'm flying a Grumman AA1B now as I just picked up my 650 tail kit last weekend. I'm performing an annual inspection on my AA1B so I haven't even started on the 650 yet. So I hope to be in the air early next year. Thanks agian.


I'm planning on using an electrial fuel pump. I'm using MGL instruments and a Garmin 396 GPS. I want to start with the basics and move up from there.

What is your registered Gross Weight? I'm look at using a 1400 lbs Gross Weight. I was wondering if that was a exceptable weight for the 650.



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