Slow flying from Abbeville to Houma.

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Comment by Chris Aysen on October 25, 2010 at 8:07am
I know what mean Wayne. In addition to my prop being reconditioned by Warp Drive; I also had a loose remote oil tank (912 ULS). It was vibrating against the top stiffiner of the firewall. I also added a 5th & 6th attachment to the top attachment points on the engine (I have the bed mount) that also reduced vibration considerably. But like you I realized the smallest things could cause some unwanted vibration. I don't have any oil canning because I made adjustments during the building process. However, I can certainly tell when I have a crosswind during landing; sounds like the plane is coming apart.
Comment by Wayne Clagg on October 22, 2010 at 9:31pm
I noticed your post about the vibration. I feel you are on the right rack however I wanted mention something. I have fought vibration issues for a hundred hours and finally got it solved. I run a powefin and finally started adjusting the pitch with a digital angle finder accurate to .1 degree. immediately saw an improvement.I had the prop dynamically balanced probably 5 times, I would make a pitch change or other adjustment and the prop balance would always help but, like you I could feel a vibration in the pedals that I knew was not right. One day I finally realized I was looking in the wrong places, I had checked everything that rotated numerous times so it had to be something vibrating due to harmonics. I pulled the cowling and in a matter of minutes I discovered the cabin heat muff banging on the motor mount. It looked to have plenty of clearance when on the ground but was shaking enough to just touch the mount in the air. I also found the oil cooler was hitting a place on the cowling as well. I eliminated these two things and I was amazed at how smooth the engine was.
As for the fuselage oil canning, good luck. I finally gave up and have come to ignore it. I have learned to fly in the attitudes and airspeeds where it is minimized and actually the oil canning warns me that I'm uncoordinated or to slow, approaching trouble. Now, having said all that, I don't know if any of it pertains to your plane since mine is powered by a vw. Thought you might be able to use some of it. Wayne
Comment by Wayne Clagg on August 10, 2010 at 10:30am
Hi Chris, this is Wayne. You asked about my gas springs. I ordered them from McMaster Carr. Part number is 4138T53. I ordered the 20 lb springs which is not enough. I would spec the 30lb and do a better job of holding the door up when taxiing. Nice and slow, it's great isn't it? I like the green paint, I started to paint mine white and green but at the last minute switched to blue which I wish Ihadn't done now. i like the green better. Wayne

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