The CH750 is much happier flying out of the grass & bush than the 7000ft paved runway at Can-Zac's Waterloo International.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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Comment by Mike Ethridge on July 23, 2010 at 7:57am
Bob all of us still trying to decide what engine to select look forward to a pirep from you and Al with the 912ULS engine.
Thanks, Mike
Comment by Bob McDonald on July 17, 2010 at 9:33pm
The larger ATV or Bush type tires are very low air pressure, operated on pavement there is a risk of popping the side wall bead. The increased size causes decreased air speed, for most of the flying I do they of no real advantage over the stock tires. When they install the larger main tires, the nose gear remains factory. They factory tires are flown at 20 psi and perform well. My next project is skis for the winter, raising the hangar (whole building) and then I can look at building the amphib floats.
Comment by Andre Levesque on July 17, 2010 at 7:58pm
Hi Bob,
I keep coming back every now and then to see if you have more pictures to look at...-:)
That must be me being anxious to fly as well...I guess...

Bob, with your type of flying.. do you think you'll ever change the wheels for Bushwheels?? like 26" or so.
If that's a possibility, what happens to the front one... does the front wheel asembly need to be changed??

Good flying!!

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