I wish I had the airspeed of those Cessnas but they pray they had the take-off performance I have :)

  • Currently 4.5/5 stars.

Views: 119

Location: The North Pole


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Comment by Ari Hulkkonen on February 25, 2013 at 2:40pm

Well, these are experimental aircrafts, the owners take care of the maintenance but the regular fees you have to pay for the "airworthiness control" provided by the Finnish Civil Aviation Authorities are much higher that what I pay.

I guess the 170 burns some 40 liters/h AVGAS and the 152 around 30l/h.

They were cruising at 95..100mph so the difference was not that significant. The quick and straightforward take-off gave me a few minutes advance, they overtook me after about 30min of flying.

Gotta streamline the struts, though.. :) 

Comment by Bob McDonald on February 25, 2013 at 7:14am

I think they are also willing to switch fuel & and maintaince costs with you as well. Did they give you an hours head start to this location or did you meet them there.

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