Really does look much bigger on amphib. Ok, so this thing should be sitting at 6.5 degrees instead of the 8 degrees stated by Zenith docs. Some more work to fix this required ! No sweat !

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Comment by Kostas Rossidis on January 30, 2011 at 12:51pm

Hi Normand, i see that you are trying to mount your 701 higher than it is recommended for this type of floats.These are the old type floats that were used by Zenith for the 701.It seems from the picture that the airraft sits very high even in relation to the new type floats.Although Zenith states in the installation manual that the angle between float and cabin upper frame  should be 4.5 degrees it doesn't supply the spacers that go between float box and spreader bar. That,s why you see most 701s using these floats sitting at an angle of about 8 degrees. Bob Jones who is also on this forum  noticed that a few years ago and ghanged this angle to 4.5 degrees.This angle was used by Chris Heintz to accomodate less powerfull engines than the Rotax 100hp.So you might consider setting this angle to about 4.5 degrees.New float installations are set up like that. But your setup looks that it is sitting very high. The cg of the aircraft and the thrust line are going to be higher than normal and that combination could cause you trouble in the water especially in rough water.In addition these floats are shorter than the new type ones. Please do get the advive from official zenith people or get some advice from Bob Jones who is more knowledgable on this matter. Good luck with your project

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