Ski construction is finished. No reason for the different coloured wheels...I got them at Princess Auto for $6/pair. In Canada these wheels are put away from store shelves in the -20C today.
I'm saving a nice RED wheel for my "wheelie wheel" on C-IKIM. ;>)
Total project materials costs = $650 CDN

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 373

Albums: Wheel Skis


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Comment by Bob McDonald on September 4, 2011 at 7:05am
Bill "accept" my friendship request and send me your home e-mail address. I will e-mail you a set of ski plans. If you know Elmer Webster, also from Alaska...he converted the original plans to a formatt easier to share from hand drawn plans by Rob Nelson in Minn.USA.
Comment by Bill Bear on September 4, 2011 at 5:38am


Thanks for the info, Bob, 

Re the Federal axle requirement, either I'll have to engineer a modified axle/bushing arrangement to fit them or opt for something more compatible.  Do you have plans/drawings for your design available?  I might be interested in purchasing a set.if I can't figure out a simple arrangement to make the Federal skis work.  I still would need to build up a nose ski.


Comment by Bob McDonald on September 3, 2011 at 6:56pm
Federal skis require 1 1/4" dia. axle. The CH750 has 3/4" dia. axles The skis are 16" (UHMW width) X 48" long. The CH750 has an empty weight of 770 lb with Rotax 912S. No problem with skis for flotation in deep snow, or flying off pavement. It takes 1/2 hour to install.
Comment by Bill Bear on September 3, 2011 at 6:07pm

Hi Bob,

Those are great-looking skis you created.  I would like to compare them to a set of Federal 1500s I have and planning to install on my 750 project when finished.  Could you please provide me the length and width of them or total area supported by your skis?

Thanks in advance,


Comment by Ken Ryan on February 9, 2011 at 12:50pm
Looks good Bob. Would these skis work on a gravel strip, or would that just tear them up?
Comment by Bob McDonald on February 8, 2011 at 9:25pm


Its kind of hard to total it up.. cutting the UHMW to shape & bolting/A5 riveting it on the ski bottom skins is 4hrs / ski with wheels bolted on (12 hrs total). Cutting and welding the steel parts 12 hrs (I'm old & slow). Mounting the skis on the CH750 with cables, bungee and drilling 1/2" hole through the centre of the axle and the aluminum gear leg (only airframe modification) is another 6 - 8 hrs. The rivet spacing is 40mm... there is 650 A5 rivets in a set of skis. All rivet and stainless bolts holding the UHMW on the bottom skin are all counter sunk... that takes time. Remember to make time for family & friends during this or any other project.

Comment by Andre Levesque on February 8, 2011 at 8:18pm

Superb job on the skis Bob !!!  How many hours do you figure it took you overall?



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