I took the engine to Corvair Collage #19 for ther teardown and inspection. That makes a lot of expertese and assistance available for what can be a difficult task for a first timer. Keeping organized is important and I had Glad Freezer bags in Quart and Gallon sizes to bag up all parts, big or small, as they came off and label their place of origin. This will be very usuful when it is time to put it all back togather and a lot of other people liked the idea.

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

Views: 131


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Comment by Patrick Hoyt on November 18, 2010 at 8:25pm
Lots of fun! Do yourself a big favor and find that little clip that holds the distributor down, and put it in a safe place. You're going to need it... ;-)

I was at the "Corvair High" in Fargo ND, and then at CC11 in Cloverdale CA, Made some lifelong friends.

- Pat

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