oil temp now runs 206 on 85 degrees day

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Comment by Bob McDonald on May 25, 2010 at 6:25am
When I first flew the CH601HD the oil temps were 260 - 280...it was a short flight. I opened the bottom of the cowl, made a angled lip to draw a vacuum on the cowl, cowl sealed the air entering the radiator. I was O.K. on a coll day but in the summer the oil temps started a slow progressive rise from 210 to 260. It wasn't until I threw out the "racing car oil cooler" that came with the aircraft and installed a nice aircraft oil cooler similar to the Jabiru cooler that I dropped 80 degrees out of the oil. The cowl flap modification stopped the oil temps at 190 - 210 degrees depending on outside air temps. The Rotax oil is too cold at 140 degrees, "yellow" at 175 - 190 and "red" 260 - 280. It took a couple months to figure it out, the previous owner gave up after a year of frustration. I use MOBIL 1 15W50 full synthetic oil and I figure that saved the engine in the early days of hot oil temps. How many hours on the engine, maybe your not "broke in" yet?
Comment by Mike Schlichtman on May 24, 2010 at 6:01pm
Not sure Bob...should I be happy. I'm used to 180-190 in all my other planes. I would love to see 185, but I think that is asking too much. I went up again later this afternoon when it was pushin 90 OAT and the oil climbed to 210 with one cht at 311, another at 302 and the rest below 300....but basically no change with the cht. I'm going to richin up the fuel a little in hopes to bring egt down so as I can cruise at lower rpm during hot weather.
Comment by Bob McDonald on May 24, 2010 at 5:09pm
I trust your happy with that oil temp? Any change in the cylinders temps?

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