I installed a 120 hp Corvair engine. I also installed three 10-gallon wing tanks, two in the right wing, and one in the left. This will enable the possibility of longer-distance ferry flights across Alaska or down to the Lower 48, when needed.

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Comment by Wendell Downs on November 19, 2020 at 5:24pm

Another feature incorporated in building this airframe involved making the CH 701 more visible to other air traffic.  Mid-air collisions often occur near airports or where air corridors converge or cross.  They also happen to aircraft flying in formation, perhaps due to distraction or loss of visual contact.  This problem is exacerbated when flying low and slow due to lack of room to maneuver, all things a pilot flying this airplane might attempt.  Alaskan pilots are quite notorious for flying quite low quite a bit of the time.

It is quite difficult to spot aircraft flying below the horizon due to ground clutter.  To mitigate against this phenomenon, in addition to the traditional landing lights and position lights/strobes, advantage has been taken of the wing roots to include cross-angled lighting.  This is intended to create direct visibility when approaching other air traffic at right angles.  Similar lighting is also included from behind near the wing tips to make this aircraft more visible to other descending traffic, such as would be found on approach to an airfield with a low/slow aircraft in the pattern.

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