Bob Jones and friends fishing on Beluga Lake and Coal Creek outlet with our three CH 701s on floats

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Comment by Bob Jones on February 1, 2011 at 1:47am
I neglected to tell you that it is also dependent on horsepower, we use the 912s at 100hp. if you dont have the tuned intake its around 90+ hp . the 7 or 8 degree set ups were for 65 hp. ...BOB 
Comment by Bob Jones on February 1, 2011 at 1:40am
We have tested various angles and found the best for our straight floats to be 3.5 degrees I think I would go to 4.5 degrees for amphibs since they have more drag and are harder to get off ...BOB 
Comment by Normand Lambert on January 31, 2011 at 10:28pm

Hi Bob,

My name is Normand and I live in Quebec near Montreal. I have a CH701 which i'm putting on the old amphibious floats. I'll be using the new spring gear (SkyJeep) to mount the plane on the floats and I was wondering if you knew at what angle from the floats top should the bottom of the wing be set ???

The plans I got say 8 degrees between top of floats and wing bottom but it seems a little excessive ?

On the picture entitled "Fishing for King Salmon in Alaska" there is a red CH701 which seems to be sitting at the same angle mine is, do you know his numbers (degrees and all) ???

Everybody seems to have a different idea when it comes to mounting the floats to the 701...Any light on that ???


Thanks for your help.



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