Bob's office...its all come together. The Rotax 912ULS 100 hp with 72 inch dia WARP hums right along, quiet enough to talk without headsets in the cockpit. Note the SPOT GPS locator beacon on dash, Mark Townsend, my wife and buddy Ray Nash track my progess in real time via Google Maps. Its lonely country full of Moose, Bears and Blackflies and no place for a forced approach. Fuel tanks are calibrated in U.S gallons (3.98L/US gal) Fuel flow is "Stick" measured at 4.5 - 5.2 US gal/hr the D180 fuel flow is not calibrated yet. Its a fly and fine tune thing.
Airspeed is in mph. Max. cruise on the Rotax 912ULS 100 hp is 5500rpm and red line 5800 rpm.

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

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Comment by Bob McDonald on July 6, 2010 at 8:44pm
The ICOM A210 works as advertised. Built in intercom keeps it simple and clean. The display is bright & clear with brightness automatically adjusted by the ICOM "photocell type eye". Tuning channel is simple rotarty dial operation, flip flop frequency easy to work and can monitor dual channels. Nice big numbers for old eyes to read.
Comment by Peter Sonders on July 6, 2010 at 5:37pm
Hi Bob,
Thanks for posting the pictures.....
Question; is the Icom IC-A210 working as advertised....and would you recommend it... I like the bright OLED display....
Comment by Allan / Zenair Australia on July 5, 2010 at 12:12am
Hi Bob

Some greats pics of inland Canada, we have red bull dust and green bits, you have water and lots of green bits.
On the D180 is your speed in Knots or MPH? I know it is early days but have you any performance figures
I was using a 68" warp 3 blade on my 601 XLB 912 S but I found the motor did not get enough RPM without the prop being very fine which was good climb but poor cruise speed, but I am now running a 2 blade wrap 68" the engine runs much better, the rpm is great and speeds a good in climb and cruise.

Cheers and have fun

Comment by Ken Ryan on July 4, 2010 at 11:56pm
Congratulation Bob. Keep us posted on how she performs. How do you do that real time flight tracking?

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