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Comment by Stephen R. Smith on November 18, 2010 at 11:38am
AWL? Never! A.W.O.L. - every chance I get.
Comment by Stephen R. Smith on November 18, 2010 at 9:41am
A wise old pilot once told me that those are California aircraft barnacles. They live most of there life on rocks near the ocean shore. If an aircraft gets within 15 feet of them, they leap up out of the water and attach to your aircraft and change color so they blend in. They are crafty little devils though. When they see you turning away from the shore back to land they drop off back into the ocean without a trace. So no one has ever seen them back at the hanger. The wise old pilot could have been just pulling my leg with this story but it sounded good at the time. Otherwise I have no idea except perhaps they way the light was hitting those rivets.

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