  • Currently 4.5/5 stars.

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Comment by James Cameron on September 30, 2010 at 12:31pm
This is my favorite of all the featured photos. This is worthy of being my desktop wallpaper.
Comment by Stuart McLean on June 25, 2010 at 3:07pm
Desmond does it again !!
Raising the bar once more,this is a stunning new look and will have 701 builders everywhere reaching for their paint suppliers number.
Great new look,Chistopher,look forward to seeing this one in your next flying adventure CD.
Now ,where's that number for Glasurit Paint ?
Comment by Christopher Desmond on June 13, 2010 at 12:56am
Hi Terry,
As far as my thoughts about the new Sensenich prop: see my comments to Pat.

The paint is simple. It is just a flat (non-shiny) medium/dark grey. Similar to a dark grey primer in color.

Regarding the tires: If you are planning to land off airport in the backcountry, big, soft tires are essential. I have tried several oversized tires and the best big tires (by far) 26” or 29” are made by Alaska Bushwheel. No other tire even comes close to the performance of the AK Bushwheel. But it is, sadly, the same old story. The 26” AKBush. tires cost one thousand dollars each. But here again, I think they are well worth the money. Each tire is essentially hand made and they are of the highest quality, out preforming everything else on the market by a long shot. Let’s face it, unfortunately, high performance, specialty equipment is expensive.

Some of the less expensive tires can, however, be a big improvement over standard tires. Even if they don’t give you everything that the AK Bush tires do, they still really help a lot. So, there are several options.
Comment by Sebastien Heintz on June 12, 2010 at 1:19pm
It looks great!
Comment by Terry Hagel on June 12, 2010 at 12:34pm
I like the look of your plane. Did you do the paint job and what is the color name?
The prop sure looks good. How does it do compared to the warp prop and what model is it? I'm building a 701 and have thought about the bigger tires. What are the ones you have on and what is the difference in weight?

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