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Comment by John M Greiner on February 17, 2018 at 5:08pm

Side note, he wasn't implying he would not give me my airworthiness, he was just recommending I do it for my own comfort, ie less noise while flying. Now I don't know really if CH 750s are all that tinny in flight. I think all of use do these mods ahead of time, because we all figure once we start flying we probably won't want to be making a lot of mods, that might not even be easy or legal after you get your Airworthiness.

Comment by John M Greiner on February 17, 2018 at 5:05pm


I like the idea, I had a DAR visit recently that had given the Airworthiness cert to a couple of CH 750s and he specifically mentiioned figuring out a way to get rid of all that noise "tin canning" behind you. He mentioned some sound deading material. But I like your idea if it work, it add strength. Either solution adds weight after. But with my heavier Viking 130, if I need some weight, not saying I will, but if I do for CG, I would rather add this than a lead weight doing nothing in the tail. Looks great!!!

Comment by Tom Sullivan on January 9, 2015 at 10:08pm

Just a thought. Would a spring wire stretched between the diagonals with  enough tension to keep the sides pulled in a little work to mitigate oil canning?

Comment by Bryan Walstrom on January 8, 2015 at 8:13am

Looks really nice Chris. And I like the idea. But... that is a LOT of extra rivets and metal AFT of CG. You may end up putting some ballast in the nose to compensate for that mod. Please share you Weight/Balance information when you get to that point to see how much that will affect it. Thanks.

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