Retracting gear - the UP position does not lock - the wheel goes down slightly - not good.

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Comment by Normand Lambert on April 4, 2011 at 10:15pm

Hi Nelson,

Good question. First off, the 582 is a very light engine so probably you'll have to push stuff close to the firewall for the CG to be correct. Secondo, with a heavier engine, the weight distribution changes. Yes, it's possible that some weight be added near the tail. But, if it becomes necessary, you can always move the battery down the tail. This is not such a bad thing if planned ahead. Also the engine CG is calculated at 24 inches from the firewall so you can always shorten the engine mount and this will change the moment ... and the CG position.

One other thing to look for is to make sure the firewall and components are of heavier stock if you plan to install an engine on the heavy side.

That's it !


Comment by nelson D on April 4, 2011 at 6:30pm

im planing to install an rotax 582,

is it true that if i put an corvair or subaru i have to add 20 lbs of weight on the tail in order to bring the CG back to the envelope

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