3/17/2011 in Garage

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Comment by Danny Creech on April 10, 2011 at 10:16pm

Hi Nelson, no, I would not ever put anything less than 100hp on this plane. The plane is great with 100hp. less than that and it is only an "Okay" plane. As far as power plants go, I have flown there 701s with Rotax 912S and one with the Continental O-200. Although the O-200 is a little bit heaver, I felt that aircraft was less nose hevy than the ones with the Rotax 912. My buddy who has one with the Rotax 912S is having a miss in the engine at cruse power settings. It's not a big deal as long as you live near a Rotax service center. Well, we do NOT! So he is going to have to pay a LOT of money to fly a Rotax service repairman in to take a look. A very compedent licensed A&P has looked at it several times and has tried several things to fix it but can not get the miss to go away. I also read on here someone who found cracks in there horazontal "L" brackets he feels is because of how strongly the engine STOPS when the engine shuts off. Ther first time I turned the key off on a Rotax 912S and that thing SLAMED stopped, I just about jumped out of my seat! Scared the hell out of me. There is a loud BANG in the aircraft when you shut it off. The O-200 and the Jabaroo 3300 are the ONLY two engines I would consider for the CH-701 and the CH-750.

By the way, the CH-701 is NOT an easy plane to fly or LAND! I strongly suggest you get some instruction from someone like myself who builds, owns, and flys the Zenith and who is a certified Flight Instructor.

Good luck

Comment by nelson D on April 10, 2011 at 8:01pm
its an great looking  plane,can it take an rotax 582 ??

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