This is my 51mm Donaldson fuel proof intake hose on my Jabiru 3300. I had to make a new FG outlet tube from the airbox because the original faced forward way to much. Like many others, I have installed a vertical alloy vane inside the tube that stops short of the carby. The hose clamp in the middle is simply just to add a little pressure to the vane to keep it from moving around.

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Comment by Alberto Martin on April 14, 2011 at 2:59pm
Phill, do you have a picture of the inside vane?
Comment by Michael Herder on April 14, 2011 at 8:51am
Might see if yo ucan move your fuel hose off of the firewall stiffener.  Im starting to put some hours on my bird and I'm amazed at how little time it takes for things to rub, chafe, and cut through things.
Comment by Michael Herder on April 14, 2011 at 8:49am
My exact set up.  It works well and has made  an incredible difference (in a good way).

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