Robert and I went to the hangars and installed my new tempo doors for the winter. Tried taking off on wheels from the No Winter Maintenance runway but with 6 inches of snow I just could not get enough speed and the plane kept sliding away. The Subaru roared after two flips ! Robert told me his 912ULS could never do that...

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Comment by Normand Lambert on January 5, 2019 at 10:30am

Hi Bob,

Well, I tried and this had me thinking that with the climate changes there maybe more of those spring days right in the middle of winter.... Hum, maybe wheel skis may not be such a bad idea after all... Wait and see. I was so close to take off speeds. I did not use flaps and I should of. Anyway after 20 minutes of sliding all over the place I was done. I was just too hungry to try again. Taildragger Ch701 stand too low for my 6ft2in. Nice to hear from you Bob.

Comment by Bob McDonald on January 5, 2019 at 8:24am

Wheel skis have enough drag with the small amount of wheel protruding below the large ski bottom to be quite noticeable vs. straight skis. Tires are a no go in snow. I owned both the Rotax 912 80 hp and Rotax 912ULS 100 hp engines and seldom does to prop need to "flip" more than 2 - 3 times. My Rotax 912A series 80 hp engine on the CH601HD started 3 "flips" after being stored 2 years on a 12 year old PC680 battery. It has 1265 hours on it presently. Starting is never impressive.... staying running in the air is. Build a set of straight skis and enjoy the winter like Bob Jones in Alaska.... or fly a tail dragger on skis which work best in the snow. IMHO

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