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Comment by Craig Smith on July 7, 2012 at 6:18pm

John, there is plenty of room for components, but one has to think outside the box for any kind of automotive conversion. Nothing is stock. What you have to start thinking about is "how much heat will I have to move?"

A high canopy with lots of clear to sky panels will mean you need to move a lot of BTUs to the outside. An AC system implies a refrigerant pump, condensing and eveporating coils, plus ducts to inside the cabin, and so forth.

Think about your available space, the speeds of rotating components, distance from driving shafts, etc.

You are building an experimental aircraft. If you want to be on the cutting edge of propulsion, aint nuthin stock.

Comment by John Struhar on July 7, 2012 at 1:15pm


Any chance this configuration would allow for including the stock A/C components? My wife and I plan to relocate after retirement, possibly to the desert southwest. I don't want to be deterred from flying because it is just too hot to fly. There are other options, but might as well build in stock A/C if it is at all possible.

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