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Comment by Ari Hulkkonen on July 10, 2011 at 2:20pm

They're from an old SAAB 900, back to the beginning of 1990's.  I had to modify them a bit to make them fit, especially the seat cushion was way too wide.  Now they are quite ok and comfortable but too heavy, 5,4kg total, due to tight and heavy foam used in the car seats.


This was kind of experiment as I just happened to have a couple of sets of these seats from previous car interior projects. But they seem to do the job, the only drawback is the weight, which is not an issue if flying solo. With a passenger its a different story...


I'll probably replace the seats with something else much lighter, it's probably next winter's project then.



Comment by Bryan Ekholm on July 10, 2011 at 11:44am
Looks like a decent fit.  What model Saab did you get your seats out of?

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