Photo taken fall of 2007. First flight with Subaru engine was in Spring 2008. Now has 50 hours on it. Flew 25 hours with VW engine. Fun to work on, even more fun to fly!

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

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Comment by Daniel Knezacek on July 8, 2011 at 12:16pm
Sorry, in that second last post I may have implied that I paid more than $10,000 for my Soob. I actually only paid about $2,800 for it.
Comment by Daniel Knezacek on July 8, 2011 at 12:14pm

Actually there are more problems than just the engine, that hinder my flying time.  Money is the biggest.  I have been unemployed more often than I care to admit, and am currently in that same situation again. 

I have had a couple of problems with hand-held radios, that take the fun out of flying.  The one I have right now is a Vertex, and I keep getting interference from radio stations!  The last one wouldn't shut off the internal mic when I broadcast, and no-one could hear me over the engine noise!


Comment by Daniel Knezacek on July 8, 2011 at 7:52am

Hi Bob,

You are absolutely right about auto engines.  Unless you really like to tinker more than flying, it's not worth it!

I have never seen or even heard of getting a Rotax 912 for anything below $10,000!  I paid more for my Soob!  The Rotax would have been my first choice.  I would have even considered a 2 stroke, but at the time the Soob was all I could afford.

Comment by Bob McDonald on July 8, 2011 at 6:09am
Dan 50 hrs in 3 yrs... I have 94 hrs in 1 yr on my Rotax 912S CH750, and an additional 200 hrs on my CH601HD Rotax 912 in the past 3 years. I put 380 hrs on a Rotax 503 2-stroke in my Challenger. I point I am trying to make is you spend more time working on your engine than flying with an auto conversion. My buddy Bob Stuart has been ready to fly his Subaru CH701 for the past 6 months... he has not got the engine to run right yet. When I can buy a used Katana Rotax 912 motor for $2,500 (that is what is in my CH601HD) why mess with the auto conversion? Put at least 100 hrs on the aircraft before flying friends & family.

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