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On July 4th I had an engine failure of my corvair engine. My wife and I landed in a cow pasture.
Albums: Engine Failure
Thanks Bob! Of course there was also luck involved. When I took this picture I was standing on the road, that was about 30 feet from where the plane came to a stop. The road is on the other side of the electrified barbed wire fence. I made it over the fence at the other end of the field and then managed to miss any gopher holes. The field was slightly up hill which helped me slow down. I applied the brakes very gently, not wanting them to dig in and possibly flip over. A fellow down the road helped me dismantle the plane, which took 2 trips to trailer home. The farmer who owned the field was very cool about the whole thing. He showed me where I could disconnect the power to fence so that I could get my truck into the field.
Great job on the forced landing.
Dan the parts I have will be perfect if your wanting a solid no overheating engine and you could use all the wires in the airframe and be up and flying again in about a month.
Glad your ok and I have built 3 Corvair powered airplanes and have had a couple of cranks break also been there done that. Give me a call I'm sure we can work something out.
Dan, so glad you and your wife are safe. Looks like you picked the perfect place to put her down .. nice job! Sorry to hear about the broken crank. Please keep us posted on what you discover. Regards, Dave
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