While the proseal set up, I decided to add my graphics to the rudder! I have a flag with the field of stars leading on both sides.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

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Comment by Don Morrisey on May 14, 2017 at 6:15pm

HaHa...perfect and actually I agree because to me it looks weird the other way around...makes you wonder who wrote the rules!!

Comment by David J. Beaulieu on May 14, 2017 at 4:03pm

Don,  thanks for the comments on the paint job.  I can't wait to see it on the fuselage with the tail feathers.  Regarding the flag/field orientation - this has been a continuous point of discussion among fliers for years with respect to display on aircraft.  Back in my BSA days, we were drilled flagged protocol relentlessly -  same in the military.  The majority seem to agree the field should be leading in the direction of movement.  I can only offer up this picture as evidence to support my decision.

Good enough for them, good enough for me!!  ;)   Cheers!

Comment by Don Morrisey on May 14, 2017 at 12:41pm

Dave, great paint job...noticed your comment about the flag decals...flag protocol calls for the canton (canton is the blue field with the 50 stars), the canton of the flag should always be to the observer's left. So if the stars are leading on your other side, that is technically incorrect.  Few will probably notice however!!

Comment by David J. Beaulieu on March 15, 2017 at 9:38pm

Scott, I know what little I do know about painting an aircraft and paints as a result of being mentored and instructed by an A&P I work with.  He use to paint airplanes for a living for a couple of years in his career.  I was the manual labor and "helper" primarily.  He would say we need to do "this", and he would show me how to do "this", then he would come back and check on occasion until "this" was done to his satisfaction. The prep work is immense and tedious.  It was fun to experience (once), and I did indeed learn some good stuff.  Not sure I would

undertake it again.

Comment by Scott Smith on March 15, 2017 at 4:28am
You obviously know what you are doing with your paint. Do you have a pic of your paint booth set up?
Comment by David J. Beaulieu on March 14, 2017 at 8:50pm

Hi Scott, thanks for the comments.  I painted the airplane in my 2 bay garage last summer over about a 4 month period.  Made a paint booth out of plastic, used a commercial fan with filters to draw out fumes and catch overspray out of the booth and had respirators while painting.  Imron paint is bad stuff for your skin and lungs.  Would highly recommend you do not do it in your basement unless you cover everything (twice) you don't want paint on and are using the Steward System products to paint with.

Comment by Scott Smith on March 14, 2017 at 6:30pm
Are you painting your airplane in your basement? If so, how are you getting ventilation. I'd like to do something similar.
Comment by Scott Smith on March 14, 2017 at 6:27pm
Looks beautiful.

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