Detail view of my Rotax 582 (rear side right) with magneto housing and starter

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Comment by Sergio Fink on May 26, 2013 at 1:05pm

I had a problem to start the engine "upside down" due to frequently dirty spark plugs (and a great difficulty to reach them for cleaning...). Then I tried to find an "upside up" mount with no success. Well, if one does not find a thing to buy, the solution is to build it oneself; this was exactly what I did - with great help of my friends.

Regards, Sergio 

Comment by Kevin McCune on May 3, 2013 at 6:20am

Sorry to drag up an old thread,, but where did you find a non-inverted engine mount, I thought they were all inverted as well?


Comment by Sergio Fink on January 4, 2012 at 8:45am

Well, both radiators in front of the engine work quite well, but as I have observed on another 701 with one single radiator under the fuselage ("belly" position), the effect is better. Disadvantage is to have an exposed radiator to eventual hurt by debris (mainly on gravel runways). But please consider one fundamental condition: ambient temperature. In my region at about 10 to 20 meters ASL at average 25 to 30 degrees C and 70 to 80% humidity, radiators have certainly other performance duties to fulfill than at your environment.

As you can see from my pictures, the exhaust system is also mounted within the engine cowling. Despite of being at the air outlet side (rear of engine and radiators), a certain amount of heat radiation certainly causes an overload for cooling. This due also to higher air temperature and thus to lower density and so to an increased resistance to escape. Well, these considerations are a bit theoretical, I confess, but all together play surely a certain role. And despite of them, my arrangement works.


Comment by Arron Doust on January 1, 2012 at 8:04pm

Its good to see people trying different ideas.

I am rebuilding a 701 fwf , probably will stick with the inverted setup for now to save time.

Have a kitplane article about using 2 rads on the front of engine like you have.

Are they working well for you ?


Comment by Sergio Fink on December 31, 2011 at 11:34am

Generally, Rotax 582 are really mounted spark plugs down in CH 701s. I don't know the reasons, but it seems to be related to the position of the propeller. I had a lot of problems to start this engine as it was conventionally inverted, mainly due to oil residues on the spark plugs. And it was quite difficult to reach them! So I decided to reinvert the engine and since then I have no problems at all. In order to keep the propeller at a suitable position, I inverted also the gearbox. To do that all, it was required to manufacture a new engine support.

Comment by Arron Doust on December 30, 2011 at 12:16am

I thought all 582 in 701's  were inverted ?

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