912 installed, adapting a radiator that was included with the engine, will see if it works

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

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Comment by Harry Letkeman on March 9, 2011 at 1:15pm
I have been looking for a temp sensor for the cylinders, to monitor from my Dynon, any idea where I could find a sensor, or how I would monitor the cylinder temps?
Comment by Bob McDonald on March 8, 2011 at 6:40pm
The cylinders may not recieve enough air flow with the radiator blocking the inflow to the cowl.
Comment by Harry Letkeman on March 8, 2011 at 9:16am

Thanks for the comment.

The radiator is about twice as big as the one Zenith includes with their FWF kit. I am thinking that since it is so hot in Belize, I may need the extra cooling. If not, I will cover the rad, or maybe replace it with the right one. It fits behind the CH701 cowling, so I dont see why it would create extra drag.

What I am wondering about though, is if the cylinders will over heat, since the rad covers about half of the cylinders. What do you think?

Comment by Bob McDonald on March 4, 2011 at 3:21pm
That looks like a belly mount radiator unit. It is about 4 times larger than required, so its going to make your engine run too cold (no thermostat) and you are adding 4 times the weight in radiator and coolant at the front of your C of G. The drag will cost you 20 mph airspeed. Be sure to use an aircraft oil cooler, they are 2 - 3 times thicker than automotive and are designed for high oil flow. I wasted a year and a half saving money with a "racing car high performance" oil cooler.

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