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Comment by martin acton on March 4, 2011 at 5:03pm
Cheers Marty, I tend to agree with the extra couple of ribs on the elevator, in .016 they would do no harm at all. Hope you enjoying your build as much as me :)
Comment by Marty de la Motte on March 4, 2011 at 4:23pm

Hi Martin, 

I know exactly what you mean when you said the middle ribs extend further than the tip ribs - same thing happened to me.  I ended up putting a 0.063" shim between the rear spar and tip ribs, this pushed them far enough forward to be in line with the middle ribs.  (I'm plans building a 701).

Your elevator skeleton looks good.  I haven't yet started on the elevator (except for cutting out the rib forms).  I do plan on diverting from the plan by skinning them the same way as the 750 - the 701 calls for solid riveting the skin at the trailing edge, which I think makes no sense.  Also will do what some others have and have a couple more nose ribs.

Good luck with your build!  My wife and I were in South Africa in 2007, absolutely loved it.  Very similar to Australia in some ways.


Cheers, Marty

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