Let's hope it's hurricane-proof...!

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

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Comment by Sebastian Dewhurst on April 6, 2011 at 8:07pm



I'd be delighted to share my barn plans with you. I just need to dig them up. The door was built without plans - best I can do there is take a bunch of photos, inside and out, and get them to you. Feel free to contact me directly on seb.dewhurst@easasoftware.com.


You may not buy my plans!! They are free to any vet...


Thank you for your service.




Comment by David DeAvila on March 29, 2011 at 6:20am
Mr. Dewhurst, this is exactly the design that I am looking for to house my Zodiac once I finish building it!  I return from Afghanistan in May and will attend the rudder build weekend in June and hopefully pick up my entire kit.  I purchased 23 acres in TN and want a place to store the plane that also has a loft upstairs.  I plan on using this as my temporary home while I build my permanent home on the same property.  I will also eventually have a private strip once I clear all local ordinances.  Where did you get the plans or may I buy yours from you?

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