Just playing with some placement of Instruments and Avionics. This setup keeps my Flying Scan to a minimum, and then use the right side for periodic Navigation. (Still deciding)

  • Currently 3/5 stars.

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Comment by Keith Ashcraft on March 16, 2011 at 8:03pm
Good Point. I still was thinking of the EIS as realtime engine gauges, but it is an automatic monitoring system. Plus, I am thinking about getting the Altimeter/Airspeed/VSI/Fuel monitor options for the EIS. Even though I don't have the RED warning light there, it is on my CAD drawing, right between the airspeed and altimeter. Not the standard 6-pack, but should still do the job.
Comment by Bob McDonald on March 16, 2011 at 5:35pm
Keep flying instruments in front of the pilot (he uses them). Centre your AV80R GPS & radio / transponder stack (2nd most pilot work load). The Grand Rapids EIS where your AV80R is presently. Mount the flashing red alert light from the EIS between your airspeed and altimeter...believe me "Flashing Red" gets your attention and diverts it to the EIS only when required. The purpose of the EIS is to monitor the engine performance (reducing pilot work load) and only alert you when your action / attention is required. IMHO

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