This is the new Sensenich 3 blade, hollow, carbon fiber prop made expressly for the Rotax 912ULS

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

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Comment by Christopher Desmond on June 13, 2010 at 12:18am
Hi Pat,
I like the new Sensenich prop a lot.

The thing that I appreciate most is the fact that it is hollow, therefore light weight, which means it has low inertia. I am told (by every ROTAX technician I talk to) that it is critical to the long term health of the engine and gear box to use a prop that, at a minimum, meets the inertia specifications set forth by ROTAX. When it comes to comes to prop weight: the lower the better for the 912 and its gear box. And this new prop is unbelievably light.

As far as performance, I think it performs as well or probably better than the other props commonly used on the 912. It is difficult for me to judge the performance difference, however, because for me everything is new. New airplane, new engine, new prop, different pitot static system and completely new instrumentation, so I can’t honestly tell what to attribute any perceived changes in performance to, but it flies great.

Other than that, the craftsmanship is beautiful and it makes the airplane look awesome. So, what is not to like, except the price? It is a bit pricy but I would gladly spend the money to get a prop that wont tear up my engine and gear box. The cheaper heavier props, are in my opinion, penny wise and pound foolish now that we have this new option.
Comment by Debra and Patrick Nesbitt on June 12, 2010 at 7:51pm
Chris, I would be interested in hearing about what you have to say about the Sensenich prop.


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