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Comment by nelson D on July 9, 2012 at 9:50pm

 me parece estar notando que algunos de los remaches que estas usando no son AVEX ?

Comment by Zenith.Aero on April 2, 2010 at 8:12am
For technical photos, especially photos of a custom modification or change, please include the photos as part of a discussion (forum) or blog post, instead of the public photo gallery. If your photos are model specific (ie. Zodiac) we recommend you start a new discussion in the model group.
Please make sure to include a description of the photo, especially if technical. To add a descriptive title and details to an existing photo, click on your photo (under My Photos) and then select the "Edit Photo" link (located under the photo at right). Enter a descriptive title and details on the photos (who, what, where, when...). Don't forget to include the aircraft model name and other details that may not be obvious to others. If an assembly photo, include the part numbers and mention if you are building from plans-only or from a kit, and mention any modifications or changes you are making.
Comment by Felipe Uribe Posada on April 1, 2010 at 7:37pm
A simple bracket help me get the oil bottle out of the fairly crowded nose gear area. Hope some find it a good idea. regards, Felipe U

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